Drawing on insights from indigenous cultures and everyday practices, D’Souza’s talk focuses on the centrality of assembly for collective life… Read more RADHA D’SOUZA ° Crows, Covid and Reflections on Assembling

Drawing on insights from indigenous cultures and everyday practices, D’Souza’s talk focuses on the centrality of assembly for collective life… Read more RADHA D’SOUZA ° Crows, Covid and Reflections on Assembling
Punk in the GDR was characterised by a search for freedom and self-assertion that, unlike in neighbouring countries in the… Read more ANNE HAHN ° Pogo on the Altar. Punk in the GDR
The Assembly is dead. It rests on an ableist appeal to mobilization. It celebrates human representation when even the most… Read more EVA VON REDECKER ° The Assembly is dead
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii) has brought artists and activists together to co-design and deploy forms of creative disobedience… Read more ISABELLE FREMEAUX & JAY JORDAN / LABOFII ° Compos(t)ing Together to actually do shit!