The performances of Ann Liv young often rely on irritation and direct confrontation. There is no shelter, especially for the… Read more ANN LIV YOUNG ° Coming too Close
Keyword: Antagonism
CHANTAL MOUFFE ° Towards an Agonistic Conception of Assembly
While having sympathy for activist movements like OWS, the Spanish Indignados or the French Nuit Debuit, political theorist Chantal Mouffe… Read more CHANTAL MOUFFE ° Towards an Agonistic Conception of Assembly
MARKUS MIESSEN ° Crossbenching
“Crossbenching” is a practice of individuals acting without mandate, a conceptual frame that he generated out of the necessity to come… Read more MARKUS MIESSEN ° Crossbenching
MILO RAU ° From Symbolic Institutions to Microecologies
Milo Rau believes in staging and realistic representation in his theatre plays, while for his tribunals and trials or the… Read more MILO RAU ° From Symbolic Institutions to Microecologies
FLORIAN MALZACHER ° Spheres of Pragmatic Utopias and Radical Imagination. The Art of Assembly
The past decade has been marked not only by numerous activist movements and gatherings but also by a wide range… Read more FLORIAN MALZACHER ° Spheres of Pragmatic Utopias and Radical Imagination. The Art of Assembly
OLIVER MARCHART ° Future Politics / Political Futures. Pre-enacting the Cause for Assembly
Do we assemble for a cause or for reasons? What is the nature of a political cause? What is it… Read more OLIVER MARCHART ° Future Politics / Political Futures. Pre-enacting the Cause for Assembly