Punk in the GDR was characterised by a search for freedom and self-assertion that, unlike in neighbouring countries in the… Read more ANNE HAHN ° Pogo on the Altar. Punk in the GDR

Punk in the GDR was characterised by a search for freedom and self-assertion that, unlike in neighbouring countries in the… Read more ANNE HAHN ° Pogo on the Altar. Punk in the GDR
Bring Down The Walls looks at the prison industrial complex through the lens of house music and nightlife, proposing the dance… Read more PHIL COLLINS ° Bring Down the Walls
As Lady Bitch Ray, Reyhan Şahin pioneered feminist sexualised German rap in a clearly male-dominated hip-hop scene. As an Alevi… Read more REYHAN ŞAHIN aka LADY BITCH RAY ° Siktir lan amına Germany, Bend Over!
Jazz in South Africa played a huge role in mobilising communities and unconventional venues during apartheid, creating spaces of political… Read more ATIYYAH KHAN ° How Jazz Musicians Fought Against Apartheid
Moshing is a furious form of crowd dancing usually associated with punk and rock culture. It happens during live music… Read more XENIA KOGHILAKI ° What a Body Can Do in the Mosh Pit