Since the Mesopotamian hydrotechnologists, who specialised in irrigation systems, water has been harnessed for many different purposes (such as mills,… Read more ELISABETH VON SAMSONOW ° The Partition. Plain Water or Essence of Life?

Since the Mesopotamian hydrotechnologists, who specialised in irrigation systems, water has been harnessed for many different purposes (such as mills,… Read more ELISABETH VON SAMSONOW ° The Partition. Plain Water or Essence of Life?
In his talk Kent Bye reflects on the affordances of different mediums through the perspective of VR presence, and then… Read more KENT BYE ° VR Presence & Live Immersive Performance Trends
While having sympathy for activist movements like OWS, the Spanish Indignados or the French Nuit Debuit, political theorist Chantal Mouffe… Read more CHANTAL MOUFFE ° Towards an Agonistic Conception of Assembly
The Refugee Tales walk is a political and aesthetic project inspired by the Canterbury Tales that calls for an end to indefinite… Read more CORINA STAN ° On Tact as a Political Category
Didier Eribon reflects on the construction of a „We“ that wants to be the subject and no longer just the… Read more DIDIER ERIBON ° How and When Can We Say „We“? On Social Protest and Political Dissent
The Army of Love is a solidarity that offers training, discussions, manuals, and testimonial videos to promote the redistribution of… Read more INGO NIERMANN ° Army of Love
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii) has brought artists and activists together to co-design and deploy forms of creative disobedience… Read more ISABELLE FREMEAUX & JAY JORDAN / LABOFII ° Compos(t)ing Together to actually do shit!
This talk threads through different historic people’s tribunals in the Philippines and by Filipino compatriots abroad against state terrorism and… Read more LISA ITO-TAPANG ° On Trial. The Performance of Justice
The emotional attachment and cultural expressions of football fans shape professional soccer worldwide. Clubs and the fan culture associated with… Read more MICHAEL GABRIEL ° Stubborn and Independent: The Ultras
It is 40 years since the first ‘GayOlympicGames’ in San Francisco, the first global attempt to innovate sport events for… Read more Z. BLACE ° Queering Sport (Events)
Do we assemble for a cause or for reasons? What is the nature of a political cause? What is it… Read more OLIVER MARCHART ° Future Politics / Political Futures. Pre-enacting the Cause for Assembly
Assemblies provide a crucial platform for direct decision-making in any attempt to make societies more inclusive and democratic, more just… Read more OLIVER RESSLER ° Voices to Reckon with
Assemblies are normally held on a scale that allows for direct discussion and participation. However, during the Spanish protest camps… Read more JULIA RAMÍREZ-BLANCO ° Assembly as Performance. The Mass Assemblies of the 15M Movement
thbat. Ithbat can be translated as ‘stand still’, ‘steady’ and ‘unshaken’. It was one of the newer chants that were… Read more ALIA MOSSALLAM ° To Chant the Worlds Away. The Anatomy of the 2011 Revolution
The Stop Shopping Choir has been exploring the shape and time of song for twenty years- in movement building, direct… Read more THE CHURCH OF STOP SHOPPING ° Singing Toward Assembly