The Whanganui stream in Aotearoa (New Zealand) is the first river worldwide that was granted legal personhood – a victory… Read more ERENA RANGIMARIE OMAKI RANSFIELD RHÖSE ° The Water Inside Us

The Whanganui stream in Aotearoa (New Zealand) is the first river worldwide that was granted legal personhood – a victory… Read more ERENA RANGIMARIE OMAKI RANSFIELD RHÖSE ° The Water Inside Us
How do indigenous legal imagination and ontology redefine the concept of ownership, not just for the Amazon, but for all… Read more EDSON KRENAK NAKNANUK ° Cosmic Kinship. Indigenous Perspectives on Ownership and the Rights of Nature
Since the Mesopotamian hydrotechnologists, who specialised in irrigation systems, water has been harnessed for many different purposes (such as mills,… Read more ELISABETH VON SAMSONOW ° The Partition. Plain Water or Essence of Life?
Ants are a „secret world power“ – dumb individually, but supersmart as a collective: a „superorganism“. They make decisions without… Read more ANDCOMPANY&CO. ° The Ant of Assembly
Drawing on insights from indigenous cultures and everyday practices, D’Souza’s talk focuses on the centrality of assembly for collective life… Read more RADHA D’SOUZA ° Crows, Covid and Reflections on Assembling
The Assembly is dead. It rests on an ableist appeal to mobilization. It celebrates human representation when even the most… Read more EVA VON REDECKER ° The Assembly is dead
Architecture, as a biopolitical and normalizing technique, participates in constructing distinctions and categories. The work of architects oozes Cartesianism. It… Read more MARINA OTERO VERZIER ° Architectures of Unconditional Hospitality
Assemblism describes the visual morphologies that emerge from the practice of “performative assembly “in popular mass movements, as termed by… Read more JONAS STAAL ° Art/Assemblism
In 2019 Sibylle Peters devised a project called Animals of Manchester (including humanz) for which she tried to install a… Read more SIBYLLE PETERS ° Reassembling Humanz & Other Animals