How can it be that artists bask in their flaunted queerness, while elsewhere gays are barely allowed out of the… Read more GLENN BECH I No Longer Recognise Your Authority

How can it be that artists bask in their flaunted queerness, while elsewhere gays are barely allowed out of the… Read more GLENN BECH I No Longer Recognise Your Authority
Assuming the methodological and theoretical frame of the assembly as meant by Negri and Hardt, it is possible to look… Read more ANNA CLARA BASILICÒ ° Assemblying for Climate Justice
Núria Güell’s artistic practice continuously challenges moral and legal conventions when, for example, she offers herself as a bride to… Read more NÚRIA GÜELL ° When Morality Becomes Immoral
What do we lose when we win? What do we win when we lose? Such questioning involves the collective work… Read more ATHENA ATHANASIOU ° Shifting the Conditions of Possibility
Bring Down The Walls looks at the prison industrial complex through the lens of house music and nightlife, proposing the dance… Read more PHIL COLLINS ° Bring Down the Walls
Didier Eribon reflects on the construction of a „We“ that wants to be the subject and no longer just the… Read more DIDIER ERIBON ° How and When Can We Say „We“? On Social Protest and Political Dissent
We might have expected the pandemic to shut down popular assemblies, since they have traditionally presumed access to shared space. … Read more JUDITH BUTLER ° Where are We Now? Assembly, Care, and Connection
Assemblies provide a crucial platform for direct decision-making in any attempt to make societies more inclusive and democratic, more just… Read more OLIVER RESSLER ° Voices to Reckon with
Assemblies are normally held on a scale that allows for direct discussion and participation. However, during the Spanish protest camps… Read more JULIA RAMÍREZ-BLANCO ° Assembly as Performance. The Mass Assemblies of the 15M Movement
The Stop Shopping Choir has been exploring the shape and time of song for twenty years- in movement building, direct… Read more THE CHURCH OF STOP SHOPPING ° Singing Toward Assembly