School of Resistance Assembling Political Power


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The Art of Assembly
The Art of Assembly
XII: Pitfalls of Representation (Milo Rau, School of Resistance, The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination & Florian Malzacher)

On the weekend of the German federal elections of 2021 IIPM, NTGent, Schauspiel Köln and the School of Political Hope hosted together with #LeaveNoOneBehind and numerous organizations from all over the world a School of Resistance for a new politics of humanity and justice. How can the system of dehumanization, illegalization and exploitation of migrants in Europe be overturned? A manifesto signed by over 80 public figures and a joint fundraising campaign which supports human rights lawyers to bring responsible politicians and officials to court, explored new possibilities and potentials for the convergence of art and activism. Is art a future tool for survival for global citizens to become agents of change in times of crisis?

Part of Episode XII: “Pitfalls of Representation”
With Milo Rau, School of Resistance, The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination & Florian Malzacher

29. January 2022 – online live stream
In collaboration with the School of Resistance / NT Gent


In search of strategies of artistic resistance, IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder and NTGent founded a globally networked School of Resistance as a hybrid livestream debate series. As a symbolic institution of the future, the initiative examines aesthetic practices of resistance. Activists and artists discuss art as a transformative, reality-creating practice. Partners include Akademie der Künste, Berlin, ECCHR, medico international, #LNOB, Schauspiel Köln, Münchner Kammerspiele, Wiener Festwochen.

Together with Eline Banken, Martin Valdés-Stauber and Georg Blokus, Kasia Wojcik is senior curator of the School of Resistance. She is a dramaturg, poet and artivist. Since 2017 she is part of the IIPM. She was co-dramaturge of the General Assembly (2017) and co-campaigner of The New Gospel (2020).

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