Ants are a „secret world power“ – dumb individually, but supersmart as a collective: a „superorganism“. They make decisions without… Read more ANDCOMPANY&CO. ° The Ant of Assembly

Ants are a „secret world power“ – dumb individually, but supersmart as a collective: a „superorganism“. They make decisions without… Read more ANDCOMPANY&CO. ° The Ant of Assembly
Since 2013 Ahmed Al-Nawas has been involved in serval collective paraxis in which the main driving force was the necessity… Read more AHMED AL-NAWAS ° Parallel Economies of Thinking Together
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii) has brought artists and activists together to co-design and deploy forms of creative disobedience… Read more ISABELLE FREMEAUX & JAY JORDAN / LABOFII ° Compos(t)ing Together to actually do shit!
B6112 is an anti-capitalist, queer-feminist, anti-racist, transmedial theatre production by the artist collective Staub zu Glitzer (dust to glitter). It… Read more SARAH WATERFELD / STAUB ZU GLITZER ° Art After All
What are the afterlives of the Occupy Movement, now ten years on? On the one hand, groups and tendencies that… Read more MAX HAIVEN ° The Ghosts of Occupy. Notes on a Haunted Decade, in the Spirit of David Graeber?
Assemblies provide a crucial platform for direct decision-making in any attempt to make societies more inclusive and democratic, more just… Read more OLIVER RESSLER ° Voices to Reckon with
Assemblies are normally held on a scale that allows for direct discussion and participation. However, during the Spanish protest camps… Read more JULIA RAMÍREZ-BLANCO ° Assembly as Performance. The Mass Assemblies of the 15M Movement
thbat. Ithbat can be translated as ‘stand still’, ‘steady’ and ‘unshaken’. It was one of the newer chants that were… Read more ALIA MOSSALLAM ° To Chant the Worlds Away. The Anatomy of the 2011 Revolution
The Stop Shopping Choir has been exploring the shape and time of song for twenty years- in movement building, direct… Read more THE CHURCH OF STOP SHOPPING ° Singing Toward Assembly