
What are the afterlives of the Occupy Movement, now ten years on? On the one hand, groups and tendencies that met in those days have, in the United States and elsewhere, become important in today’s activist ecosystems. But, at the same time, many of the reactionary, conspiratorial and individualist elements of Occupy have also „grown up“ and now directly or indirectly contribute to a constellation of far-right and postfascist forces. Taking up David Graeber’s theorization of Occupy as a movement not simply for political change but for a different kind of politics, Max Haiven presents these afterlives of Occupy as indicative of our political-economic moment where both power and resistance are reconfiguring themselves.
Part of Episode VIII: “10 Years Occupy Wall Street”
With Judith Butler, Max Haiven & Florian Malzacher
18. September 2021 – Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin / Germany
Supported by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Max Haiven is a writer and teacher and Canada Research Chair in Culture, Media and Social Justice. His most recent books are Art after Money, Money after Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization (2018) and Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts (2020). Haiven is editor of VAGABONDS, a series of short, radical books from Pluto Press. He teaches at Lakehead University, where he co-directs the ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL).