What do we lose when we win? What do we win when we lose? Such questioning involves the collective work… Read more ATHENA ATHANASIOU ° Shifting the Conditions of Possibility

What do we lose when we win? What do we win when we lose? Such questioning involves the collective work… Read more ATHENA ATHANASIOU ° Shifting the Conditions of Possibility
Didier Eribon reflects on the construction of a „We“ that wants to be the subject and no longer just the… Read more DIDIER ERIBON ° How and When Can We Say „We“? On Social Protest and Political Dissent
The official political discourses persist in glimpsing the way out of the crisis after each new crisis experienced during the… Read more MARCELO EXPÓSITO ° The (Forever Postponed) Dream of a Real Democracy
What are the afterlives of the Occupy Movement, now ten years on? On the one hand, groups and tendencies that… Read more MAX HAIVEN ° The Ghosts of Occupy. Notes on a Haunted Decade, in the Spirit of David Graeber?
Assemblies provide a crucial platform for direct decision-making in any attempt to make societies more inclusive and democratic, more just… Read more OLIVER RESSLER ° Voices to Reckon with
Assemblies are normally held on a scale that allows for direct discussion and participation. However, during the Spanish protest camps… Read more JULIA RAMÍREZ-BLANCO ° Assembly as Performance. The Mass Assemblies of the 15M Movement