How do indigenous legal imagination and ontology redefine the concept of ownership, not just for the Amazon, but for all… Read more EDSON KRENAK NAKNANUK ° Cosmic Kinship. Indigenous Perspectives on Ownership and the Rights of Nature

How do indigenous legal imagination and ontology redefine the concept of ownership, not just for the Amazon, but for all… Read more EDSON KRENAK NAKNANUK ° Cosmic Kinship. Indigenous Perspectives on Ownership and the Rights of Nature
For some time now, the impression has been created that theatre must return to its agitative forms. For Kathrin Röggla,… Read more KATHRIN RÖGGLA ° Writing the Water
The Silent University, initiated by Ahmet Öğüt in 2012, is an autonomous platform for academics who cannot share their knowledge… Read more AHMET ÖĞÜT ° The Silent University
Drawing on insights from indigenous cultures and everyday practices, D’Souza’s talk focuses on the centrality of assembly for collective life… Read more RADHA D’SOUZA ° Crows, Covid and Reflections on Assembling
When discussing new means in the context of human rights, one must also talk about the arts. Art has become… Read more WOLFGANG KALECK ° Juridical and Civil Society Tribunals. The Example of the Congo Tribunal
When in May 2017 the action alliance ‘Unraveling the NSU-Complex‘ held their first self-organized Tribunal at the Schauspiel Cologne parallel… Read more MADLYN SAUER ° The NSU-Tribunals: Without Law, but with Justice
Earshot is the world’s first not-for-profit organisation to develop a specialised field of audio forensics for open-source investigations. With cutting-edge… Read more FABIO CERVI ° Listening Back
The Stop Shopping Choir has been exploring the shape and time of song for twenty years- in movement building, direct… Read more THE CHURCH OF STOP SHOPPING ° Singing Toward Assembly
In 2019 Sibylle Peters devised a project called Animals of Manchester (including humanz) for which she tried to install a… Read more SIBYLLE PETERS ° Reassembling Humanz & Other Animals