Die Vielen We Are Many

Die Vielen

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The Art of Assembly
The Art of Assembly
V: Versammlung der Vielen (Eduard Freudmann, Gin Müller, Heidrun Primas, Philine Rinnert & Florian Malzacher) - IN GERMAN LANGUAGE

With the growing self-confidence of various far-right parties in Europe, the attacks against artistic freedom have also become more massive in recent years. Parties such as the FPÖ or the AfD are increasingly trying to influence art and cultural institutions.

Part of Episode V: “Versammlung der Vielen” (In German language)
With Eduard Freudmann, Gin Müller, Heidrun Primas, Philine Rinnert & Florian Malzacher

27. May 2021 – Online live stream
In co-production with brut Vienna


Die Vielen (The Many) is an association of artists and around four thousand different cultural institutions in Germany and Austria who stand as a platform of solidarity against right-wing propaganda and violence and are committed to supporting each other when artists or institutions are threatened or pressured.
Die Vielen (The Many) organise national actions, demonstrations and various events that oppose hatred and promote coexistence with open borders – both internally and externally. Debates within the theatre and art scene are proving contentious. The association acts as an active network and provides platforms for networking.

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