
The Schandwache (Vigil of Disgrace) took place in October 2020 at the monument to the former mayor of Vienna Karl Lueger. Lueger is considered one of the most pronounced anti-Semites of the 20th century. His memorial is disputed.
The aim of the action was to protect graffiti from removal by the authorities. It than had been placed on the monument by unknown persons in the summer of 2020 to mark it as a “Schande (Disgrace)”. The “Schandwache” took place in cooperation with 16 civil society, cultural and political organisations in the week before the elections in Vienna.
Before the opening, two of the “Schande” inscriptions were replicated as gold reliefs and applied to the monument. The installation was destroyed the same day by right-wing extremists. In the course of the following public debate, representatives of the Vienna city government spoke out in favour of a redesign of the monument.
Part of Episode V: “Versammlung der Vielen” (In German language)
With Eduard Freudmann, Gin Müller, Heidrun Primas, Philine Rinnert & Florian Malzacher
27. May 2021 – Online live stream
In co-production with brut Vienna
As an artist, Eduard Freudmann realizes projects focusing on installation, performativity and acting in public space. His approach is characterized by transdisciplinary work, research-based artistic research and an engagement with public discourses. His performance “The White Elephant Archive, Setting No. 3” was first performed in Budapest in 2015 and has since been shown in Vienna and Graz as well as in Chicago, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, Portland and New York.
Gin Müller is a Vienna based Artist and works in various fields as a Dramaturg, Theatre/Performance-Researcher, Teacher and Lecturer, Activist, Queer Performer*. His* work deals with specific political topics and collective formats on stages of theatre, public and activist spaces. Currently he* is involved in the project „Sodom Vienna“ (20/21), an activist and artistic campaign to proclaim in different formats of manifestations and performances a queer-feminist „Red Vienna“ in the Post-spirit of the 20ies.
Gin Müller was also part of the ar/ctivist collective “PublixTheatreCaravan (2001-05), and the queer performance band SV Damenkraft (2003 – 2008). Since 2015 he* has worked for Queer Base (Welcome and Support for LBTIQ Refugees) in Rosa Lilla Villa. In April 2008 the book was published: „Possen des Performativen, Theater, Aktivismus und queere Politiken“, republicart 7, Wien: Turia+ Kant, 2008.