Milo Rau From symbolic Institutions to Microecologies


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The Art of Assembly
The Art of Assembly
XII: Pitfalls of Representation (Milo Rau, School of Resistance, The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination & Florian Malzacher)

Milo Rau believes in staging and realistic representation in his theatre plays, while for his tribunals and trials or the General Assembly he invented what he calls „symbolic institutions“ – an open, often antagonistic gathering of opinions and conflicting thruths. Recent projects like The Revolt of Dignity or the School of Resistance tries to hack the economic and political systems by means of art, constructing what Milo calls „alternative micro-ecologies. In his talk, Milo will trace his path from theatre plays and trial projects like Orestes in Mosul or The Moscow Trials to symbolic institutions like The Congo Tribunal and General Assembly – the basis for his actual holistic approach in projects like The Revolt of Dignity or A filmschool for Mosul that he develops with various partners from the arts, civil society and politics.

Part of Episode XII: “Pitfalls of Representation”
With Milo Rau, School of Resistance, The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination & Florian Malzacher

29. January 2022 – online live stream
In collaboration with the School of Resistance / NT Gent


Milo Rau is not only a theatre maker, but also a filmmaker, sociologist, writer and journalist. Before he made his entrée into theatre, he spent years reporting from conflict areas such as Northern Iraq and Syria. In 2007, he founded the International Institute of Political Murder, which, in addition to theatrical productions, films, videos and performances, also publishes books and organises debates on social and political themes. In September 2018, Rau succeeded Johan Simons as the new director of NTGent.

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The Moscow Trials (Trailer, 2014)

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The Congo Tribunal (Trailer, 2017)

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The Congo Tribunal (Opening statement by Milo Rau)

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