Tino Sehgal


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The Art of Assembly
The Art of Assembly
XXV: Assemblies of Individuals - Live Work in Non-Performance Spaces (Mette Edvardsen, Tino Sehgal & Florian Malzacher)

Theatres regulate space and time for their audiences and demand collective engagement. Other kinds of venues – like museums or libraries – are designed to separate and isolate even large crowds and promote liberal ideas of emancipation. Everyone decides for themselves how long they want to stay and engage.
Tino Sehgal has been working with the DNA of museums and the liberal assemblies created by exhibitions, which he uses for his constructed situations – thin lines that direct attention and gazes, choreographing the paths of the audience.

Part of Episode XXV: “Assemblies of Individuals. Live Work in Non-Performance Spaces”
With Mette Edvardsen, Tino Sehgal & Florian Malzacher

15. November 2023 – WASP, Working Art Space, Bucharest / Romania
Organized by 4Culture Association, as part of EXPLORING PLUREALITIES


Tino Sehgal (London, 1976) studied economics and dance. In 2005, he represented Germany at the Venice Biennale. The Guggenheim, Tate Modern, and dOCUMENTA (13) have also presented solo shows of his work. In 2013, he was awarded the Golden Lion at the 55th Venice Biennale. The art of Tino Sehgal is immaterial; it takes shape in the moment in which the spectator encounters it. Since 2000, he has been constructing live situations in which performers enter into contact with the visitors and spectators by way of movements, conversations, or song, inviting them to influence the structure of the work.

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