Videos/Material Aziz Al-AzmehSentence first, verdict later. A surreal spectacle in Germany Susan NeimanWhat’s really at stake in the German free speech debate? Elisabeth von Samsonow The Partition. Plain Water or Essence of Life? Kathrin RögglaWriting the Water Edson Krenak NaknanukCosmic Kinship. Indigenous Perspectives on Ownership and the Rights of Nature Erena Rangimarie Omaki Ransfield RhöseThe Water Inside Us Oliver FrljićWhat Is Left to Be Right Amelie DeuflhardSolidary Space-Taking as Artistic Method Thomas KrügerCivic Education as Democratic Assembly Joanna WarszaUnfriendly Takeover. The Fabrication of Right-Wing Contemporary Art in Poland Sahar Rahimi„Mummy, What Are the Rules of Theater?“ Glenn BechI No Longer Recognise Your Authority Julia WissertGet Comfortable with the Uncomfortable Fabio CerviListening Back Atiyyah KhanHow Jazz Musicians Fought Against Apartheid Brandon LaBelleOn Acoustic Justice Xenia KoghilakiWhat a Body Can Do in the Mosh Pit TINO SEHGAL Mette EdvardsenSoft Spaces Corina StanOn Tact as a Political Category Pedro LaschCollective Citizenship. What Are We Before We Are Naturalized? Michael HardtStrategic Multiplicities SARAH ROTHBERG ° Interfacing as Art Kent ByeVR Presence & Live Immersive Performance Trends jaamil olawale kosokoAmerican Chameleon. The Living Installments Renzo MartensBuilding a World with Critique Núria GüellWhen Morality Becomes Immoral Anne HahnPogo on the Altar. Punk in the GDR Reyhan Şahin aka Lady Bitch RaySiktir lan amına Germany, Bend Over! Phil CollinsBring Down the Walls Lisa Ito-Tapang On Trial. The Performance of Justice Madlyn SauerThe NSU-Tribunals: Without Law, but with Justice Wolfgang KaleckJuridical and Civil Society Tribunals. The Example of the Congo Tribunal Ingo NiermannArmy of Love Miriam IbrahimA Personal Insight. Deconstructing Toxic Structures in Theatre Edit KaldorBeyond Control (Learning from Powerlessness) Z. BlaceQueering Sport (Events) Caitlin FisherPost Play Michael GabrielStubborn and Independent: The Ultras Lotte van den BergBuilding Conversation Satu HerralaEmbodying Collective Action Ahmet ÖğütThe Silent University Athena AthanasiouShifting the Conditions of Possibility Marcelo ExpósitoThe (Forever Postponed) Dream of a Real Democracy Teodor CelakoskiMožemo! Step by Step Eva von RedeckerThe Assembly is Dead andcompany&Co.The Ant of Assembly Claire BishopRevisting Participation Ann Liv YoungComing too Close Tania BrugureaTruth or Dare David Mulder van der VegtThe Architecture of Assembly Markus MiessenCrossbenching Isabelle Fremeaux & Jay Jordan / LabofiiCompos(t)ing Together to actually do shit! School of ResistanceAssembling Political Power Milo RauFrom symbolic Institutions to Microecologies Merve BedirHospitality and the Politics of the Floor Table Marina Otero VerzierArchitectures of Unconditional Hospitality Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius / raumlaborberlinHospitality as Spacial Practice Anna Clara BasilicóAssemblying for Climate Justice Antonio NegriThe Politics of Multitude Sarah Waterfeld / Staub zu GlitzerArt After All Nora SternfeldWhat is a Radical-Democratic Museum? Ahmed Al-NawasParallel Economies of Thinking Together Max HaivenThe Ghosts of Occupy. Notes on a Haunted Decade, in the Spirit of David Graeber? Judith ButlerWhere are We Now? Assembly, Care, and Connection Didier EribonHow and When Can We Say „We“? On Social Protest and Political Dissent Chantal MouffeTowards an Agonistic Conception of Assembly Radha d'SouzaCrows, Covid and Reflections on Assembling Sibylle PetersReassembling Humanz & Other Animals Eduard Freudmann & Gin MüllerSchandwache. Vigil of Disgrace Die VielenWe Are Many Alia MossallamTo Chant the Worlds Away. The Anatomy of the 2011 Revolution Claudia BosseAssemble in Choirs The Church of Stop ShoppingSinging Toward Assembly Jodi DeanWhich Side is the Freedom Side? Jonas StaalArt/Assemblism Oliver ResslerVoices to Reckon with Julia Ramírez-BlancoAssembly as Performance. The Mass Assemblies of the 15M Movement Florian MalzacherSpheres of Pragmatic Utopias and Radical Imagination. The Art of Assembly Dana YahalomiBody Next to Body. The Practice of Being Together Oliver MarchartFuture Politics / Political Futures. Pre-enacting the Cause for Assembly